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What do you think of when someone tells you they caught a perch? You probably think of a small panfish – fun to catch and release, but not big enough to keep and eat. Right?
You can check out some pictures of our typical North American perch here:Labor Day Freshwater Fishing Fun (My sons caught those!)
So imagine how surprised I was as I read that the perch in Africa can get to be huge. How huge? Well check this out:
Click on the picture to see a full size view.
That’s quite a large freshwater fish!?! You’ll be amazed to learn that the man who caught the fish had to fight off a crocodile while trying to land the fish! Wow … and I thought I had it hard fishing – fighting my way through the briar patches and dealing with ticks! lol It kind of reminds me of a real life version of Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man And The Sea” – only this was in freshwater.
Anyway – you can see more pictures and read the whole story here:
Man vs. Crocodile vs. Giant Nile Perch: An African Fishing Adventure
Hope you have a great day! And a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
Catch you later.
Wow, that is an insanely large perch. It reminds me of the TV show called River Monsters. They had an episode where the guy was trying to catch large catfish in the Amazon. The catfish got to be bigger than a grown man! Pretty amazing stuff. I could never imagine pulling in a fish that big.
Incredible! I have never witness such a freshwater fish. The biggest I have seen are the sturgeons and catfish.I’d have to say I am not sure I would want to fight a crocodile; especially a hungry one. Now that’s a dedicated fisherman!
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