I was reading a short little article about the effect of the climate changes (global warming) on different countries and it made me wonder – will we really see these predicted changes in our lifetime?
Here’s the article I read:
Climate change hits fishing economies
What do YOU think? Is there truly global warming going on as the scientists say? Or is this just a bunch of hype to get us all worrying about nothing? I haven’t made my mind up on this yet. True, there are limited resources on this planet and we’re using them up at an alarming pace. But will our greed for more cause this global warming and meltdown of our planet, as predicted.
I dislike the fact that we are using up so many of our planet’s resources and in the process, we are killing off certain animals and other vegetation which may never be seen again. But how do we change. Does Obama really have the answer?
And the greed of the oil companies and their owners have caused all of us to completely rely on their petrol based products through their corrupt governmental manipulations. We should have had alternative transportaion means years ago and yet we still rely on technology created at the end of the 1800s?!?!? What’s wrong with this picture? The oil companies ran the exploration of electric vehicles right out of business 40 – 50 years ago. And we’re just now starting the electric vehicle process all over again. Makes you wonder who really runs the world’s economies!
And what about the electric generating plants? With all of the nuclear (sorry George W – it’s not nucular!) waste they produce. The nuclear plants have been negatively affecting our fresh water fishing for years. Both with the warming of the water and the damming of rivers that used to allow the fish to migrate. What are we going to do with all of that nuclear waste that takes millions of years to dissipate? What are we leaving as a leagacy for our children and grandchildren?
I don’t have all the answers – obviously! But as a freshwater fisherman, I love nature and care about what happens to our natural resources. I try to do my part to help keep the water and land clean. I want these things to be here for my grandchildren to experience – don’t you? I want them to be able to fish and actually catch and release something other than someone’s old boot! đŸ™‚
So here’s to tomorrow! May we all do a little something extra to help our world and conserve its resources. Lets try to leave this world a little better than the way we found it! What do you say?
Catch you later.