The Bass Krusher Rig

Watch This video to learn my secret rig for catching largemouth bass when I go freshwater fishing.

I previously posted about my favorite way to rig a rubber worm when I go bass fishing. You can read it here:

Bass Krusher Rig

The video below will show you exactly how I rig my worms!

Try rigging a few of your worms this way and just watch the bass come running!

Hope that helps you.

Catch you later.


The Sixth Day Of Christmas

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me six kits for rigging, … five purple worms … four rebel lures, three weedless hooks, two spools of line and a fishing pole complete with a reel.

Have you bought any of those “bass fishing kits? You know like this:

I’ve bought a few of these and they usually are a good deal! I look for the kits that have good colored worms in them. As I’ve posted previously, I don’t really use the weights that come in these kits. I rig the worms my own special way. But if I find a kit that has weedless hooks and has good colored worms, I’ll buy it in a heartbeat!

Playing with your rubber worm bassing kit will help you experiment and try different ways to rig your worms. It will also keep your mind off the winter and the snow that we sometimes get this time of year! I can hardly wait for the warmer weather and catching some more good bass!

Catch you later.