Connecticut Has A Bad Case Of Crabs!

Connecticut Has A Bad Case Of Crabs!

It’s true! I was reading a story about these new intrusive freshwater crabs that are showing up in Connecticut – the Chinese Mitten Crabs. Seems we’ve gotten another import that is ruining our natural resources – AGAIN!

In all fairness though it’s not just Connecticut that has these crabs. They’ve been showing up in the Hudson Bay area, The Delaware Bay area and the Chesapeake Bay area as well. The first sighting of one of these crabs in the Eastern US was approximately 2005.

You can read more about these little invaders at: The Advocate

A quick synopsis: Chinese mitten crabs may be found in both freshwater and salt water. They are walking crabs that can emerge from the water to move upstream of barriers and are capable of moving several hundred miles upstream from saltwater. They spend most of their lives in freshwater rivers, migrating to brackish or salt water to reproduce. The young move upstream, sometimes spending 2 to 5 years in freshwater.

These crabs are very aggressive and may compete with our popular native blue crab in the Sound. Their burrowing habits may also threaten stream banks and earthen dam stability. These losses will promote erosion and habitat loss.

Here’s a picture of the crab and how to identify it: Picture of the Chinese Mitten Crab **Credit goes to the Oregon Dept of Fish And Wildlife for the photo.**

So if you happen to see any of these little buggers while your out and about freshwater fishing, be sure to get rid of it. You also might want to let your local fish and game official know where you found it as well.

Preserve our natural resources!

Catch you later.

Cry-Babies and the “Me Generation” Or Freshwater Conservation Today

I was reading an article and the associated comments on that article about the zebra mussel infestation and how they’re dealing with it in Massachusetts.

Seems they’re requiring boaters to power wash their boats before being allowed to launch them into a large reservoir in order to help prevent the spread of the zebra mussels.

You can read the article here:
Rules on zebra mussel defenses protested

Having watched the devastation that we have brought to our native environment, I can hardly believe that fellow fishermen are crying like babies about having to take some precautions! As fishermen, we should be the first to take a pro-active stance when it comes to safe-guarding our natural resources.

Yes, there have been some acts of stupidity like the killer bees being brought over to South America and then letting them escape into the wild; the introduction of the snakehead fish into the Potomac river; or the many other foreign species now here and listed at but as a fisherman, I take pride in the natural resources available to me here in this great country of ours. Any opportunity to help make things better I’ll be happy to take. So my answer to those of you who are too lazy to do your part to keep our resources natural and native – go saltwater fishing instead! đŸ˜‰

You won’t have to worry about spraying down your boat every time you want to launch it and you won’t have to worry too much about spreading invasive species. (Though if you read through the site I mentioned above, you’ll find that we’re even having problems with invasive species in our salt water resources now!)

So if you’re truly a freshwater fishing enthusiast, please take whatever action is necessary to help keep our natural resources as pristeen as possible – and please, whatever you do, don’t whine and complain about it!

Catch you later.